I have been dreaming in Manolos and Middle Eastern Delights after watching Sex And The City 2 last night and now I am suffering with a one-too-many-Cosmopolitan-head, but a girl’s gotta do, what a girl’s gotta do! You have to hand it to Sex And The City (SATC), love it or loathe it, it is a phenomenon and for many it has shaped fashion, friendships, and how we spend our free time.
I was in New York recently with a group of friends, all seasoned tourists of the Big Apple, and on more than one occasion the motivations that drove us around Manhattan had less to do with guide books and more to do with Sex And The City. From cupcakes at Magnolia Bakery in the West Village to SATC style dining at Buddakan in Chelsea. If you are a fan of the show and you have visited New York then I am certain that at some point in your trip - most likely when you have a Martini glass in your hand and the New York skyline behind you – you have uttered the words: “This is so Sex And The City”. It is impossible not to.

Personally, I would like to see an episode that discusses a hangover cure for a Cosmopolitan induced headache but I guess that is why brunch is so necessary…
Carrie: There are very few things this New Yorker loves as much as Sunday brunch. You can sleep until noon and still get eggs anywhere in the city, alcohol is often included with the meal, and Sunday is the one day a week you get the single woman's sports pages: the New York Times wedding section.
Images from HBO